
There are many ways to help St. Paul parish and our community.  The following groups are active now.

Angels of Mercy assist our Parish by reaching out to those in need, especially the homebound.  Contact the office to join or request additional information.

Limestone County Prison Ministry:  The Works of Mercy instruct us to visit the sick and imprisoned.  We support the inmates of Limestone County Correctional Institute with prayers, faith formation, and gifts of essential items.  Contact Deacon Chuck Butler, (256) 497-6598 for more information about this important mission.

Limestone County Churches Involved:  Another important Corporal Work of Mercy is to feed the hungry.  We participate in LCCI, the food bank in Limestone County.  See the bulletin for current needs.  Contact Elizabeth Niedzwiecki, (256) 874-1508 to volunteer at LCCI.

St. Paul Catholic Women:

All are welcome to join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:00am in the Parish Hall Youth Room for prayer, fellowship, and fun as we plan activities that benefit St. Paul's.


Jayne Higginbotham  256-206-0266

Marilyn Michael  256-230-9050

Helen Kerry 256-232-7672

Yvonne Dempsey  256-232-3540


October Yard Sale, Holiday Food Baskets, Christmas Giving Tree, Prayer Group, Parish Socials